Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 182 - Collecting money from Grandma, Athens

So far, all I've been doing is pathetically collecting money from my grandmother, who gives me about €3-5 per day, which builds up. Plus, I use some of the money at the local internet cafe. So far, I have collected €40, so I'm feeling safe. I need €50 to get the date of the plane ticket to Latvia changed, and I have until the 3rd of June.

But then, I went to the internet café, only to have Agnes tell me that she wants to call the relationship off. She's not stopping me from going to see her again, though. She just said that I wasn't the one for her, and that things weren't as good for her as she hoped they would be in real life. It left me devastated, and I couldn't think straight. I wasn't coping well at all. I couldn't believe it. I was happy up until now. With all the happy experiences I experienced in Latvia, it all came to a downfall.

I will be seeing her again, that's for sure. If I want her back, I can only hope that we will work something out.

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